Tanzania has a long relationship of technical assistance cooperation with Finland on areas of key importance including education. Currently, 58% of students complete primary school and 34% Secondary education. The current population of about 64 million is expected to rise to about 90 million by 2035. Tanzania is bordered by eight countries, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Uganda, and Zambia.
MED is cooperating with a school in Dar es Salaam (Decent pre- and primary), that serves over 450 students from diverse backgrounds. The Decent Schools educational concept was launched by Mrs Modester Mwinula, a former Tanzania UNESCO National Commission employee, ten years ago. It is already enabling students to reach high learning standards. It has a strong professional community of teachers, school leaders and other key staff, and is now looking at further improving infrastructure, the quality of education for all students, the professional trajectories of teachers, and networking with regional and international partners. MED is now looking for ways to strengthen the international profile through attracting school partnerships and other forms of support to help this school continue to its journey as a regional lighthouse of equity and excellence.
As part of this process, Nick Marsh led a strategic foresight workshop at the school exploring next steps to make the school ever stronger as it progresses into the future. The workshop mapping exercise engaged the teachers in co-creating ideas through recognizing constraints, challenges, and what can be achieved when a passionate and collaborative professional community works together to realize the best potential of all the children it serves. MED is grateful for the contributions of all participants in this process of finding ways to convert dreams of what could be into what will become, and to Nick Marsh for volunteering to share insights on how strategic foresight can bring benefits to educational communities in East Africa.
Asante sana to
Head Teacher Benson Chalamila
Assistant Head Teacher Ezekiel Matonange
Agnes Kitundu
Agripina Assenga
Christopher Paul
Edna P. Shao
Joachim Leonard
Justina Masanja
Lyidia Nyamrunda
Magreth Mkabana
Mariam Athuman
Meris Sospeter
Mohamed Nuru
Sweetness Molel
Richard Toyi
Riziki Hoza
Salehe Madala
Shija Butabongeleja
Sudi Nasoro
Tumaini Otieno
Zephania Thomas