Future-ready schools are now developing globally. Charting the future means having a clear vision and strategy on how to get there. This involves recognizing existing strengths and past successes, and adapting these so that schools enable students to have knowledge, competences and skills for the world of tomorrow.
Leaders of future-ready schools know that children now starting school now will likely end their working lives around 2080. Parents increasingly see that the world of work is dramatically changing
and that their children need a school to provide learning experiences that they themselves did not have when they were at school.
School leaders recognize that these new generation parents are increasingly active in questioning the old school models, and are making decisive choices often at considerable cost about where and how they want their children to study, learn and develop for their future lives.
360° is about re-shaping our schools today so they embrace the future, pedagogically strong, financially secure, and sustainable. Extending over about two months the 360° process enables
leadership to:
- Engage with external evaluation of existing operations which identifies strengths and any shortcomings
- Consider strategic and practical steps to become future-ready, stronger and even more successful.
The 360° process involves two stages:
- Diagnostics
- 3-5 Year Strategic Foresight Plan
The Diagnostics focus on
- Where are we now?
- Where do we want to be?
according to 70 Key Development Indicators (KDI’s) covering aspects of the school as a professional community, teaching and learning, image and branding, and future-readiness.
Strategic Foresight Plan
The Strategic Foresight Plan focuses on
- What do we need to do now to be a high-performing School
of the Future?
The plan describes actions that can be taken in the school to strengthen any Key Development Indicators which are identified by the external experts, in agreement with school leadership, as
needing attention to ensure future readiness.