Enabling strategic foresight to guide education through the future requires inter-disciplinary thinking within and beyond the traditional boundaries of schools and higher education. Now any discussion on future readiness and orientation needs to recognize the potential impact of AI. Discussion across multiple continents and sectors is no longer about how AI might transform humanity, but more on how AI is transforming humanity.
In a world of ‘hype, flash and dash’, it can be easy to dismiss the impact, short or longer term, that AI is having on our lives. But one thing is for sure. The need to radically change education all the way through from primary to adult is as much an imperative now, as it has been for the last two decades.
MED will now convene a set of initiatives to explore how to take the opportunities presented by some forms of AI to advance education now to meet the radical changes of the future. Starting in Australia, plans are underway to continue through dialogue with key people in Europe, North and South America, and Africa.